It is our desire to help people connect with the purpose for which they were created, chiefly to know, love and enjoy the one true God. Part of doing that is helping people connect with their neighbors and the nations by loving them well. In doing this, we are all living on mission. Living on mission means that we are leveraging everything about our lives to help others be able to follow Jesus Christ.

Below are a few ministry partnerships and missions opportunities of The Hill Church.
  • Rancho Sienna Elementary school

    We have partnered with LHISD and their "Adopt-a-Campus" program to provide service and prayer for the Rancho Sienna Elementary Campus. Our goal is to reflect the love of Christ to its staff, teachers, parents, and students. We accomplish this through constant prayer and occasional encouragement through serving. Serving opportunities include; feeding the staff, reading to children, and providing tangible needs as they arise. Be a part of serving RSES with us! Email Micah Bridges at micahalisacox@gmail.com

  • Rio grande Valley

    Our church partners with local churches and Buckner International to share the Gospel with people in The Valley. The Hill Church sends families to The Valley to participate in VBS, Adult Skills Classes, STEAM Classes, and worship services for kids seeking asylum. It is an outstanding time of ministry as families serve the Lord together. More opportunities to be a part of this trip will be available. Email Daniel Jung at djung@thehillchurch.church for more info.